
Let's decorate!

Let's count the number of months we've been in our new home... 1, 2, 3... 8 months! And I just got around to putting the first decoration on the bland, beige walls. It's actually not even hung yet. It's more propped up against the wall.

But I have a good excuse. I was pregnant! And tired! And sick! Besides, my philosophy is that you should mull things over for a bit in your new home so you know what you really want to do with it. This might take a few months. It might take a few years...

My biggest challenge has also been what to do with this fireplace mantle:

I love that it is simple, not too ornate, but what in the world am I supposed to hang up there? It's blank and beige. It's big. It has this weird shape. I felt like once I figured out what to do there, the rest of the room would come together.

Most people have suggested a large, family portrait. As much as I love my family, think my husband is handsome and my kids are adorable, I just don't like the idea of having a blown up shot of all our heads being the focal point of the room.

Some sort of artwork? We're not that artsy.

But as I wandered the aisles of Hobby Lobby this week I found what I thought would be the perfect piece. And it was big enough to fill the space! And incorporated our family without being overwhelmingly FAMILY.

Even Patrick, who could care less about the decor of the house, says it's perfect. Now to just get pictures of us put in it. I quickly stuck in some pictures of Daniel and Caleb, but the top row is of people much better looking than us! And it will eventually get hung in the middle, not propped.

At least I feel the creative juices flowing again. It might be because I finally figured out what to do with that mantle. It could also be that I watch about two hours of HGTV daily while I'm nursing Nadya. Whatever it is, maybe the next time you come over we'll have a picture frame here, a shelf there, some splashes of color.

Maybe I can even talk Patrick into letting me buy a rug!


  1. Classy, that is what it is. How fun that you can now really start dreaming........that frame will inspire you!

  2. Ooh that's pretty. I get ya on the blown up picture of yourselves...maybe just not there, anyway. Ooh you could paint the inside of the niche a different color too to pull your focus towards it and make it pop! I know, I need to be quiet. My house isn't decorated either.
