
Hooked On Phonics

Patrick and I decided shortly after Daniel was born that we would home school our children. Since Daniel turned five last September and would have been at the proper age to enroll in public-Kindergarten we started freaking out that maybe we should "officially" start the home education process. After talking with other homeschooling families and doing research, we decided to wait until at least the Fall of 2010 to start anything official. We kept hearing (and research shows) that boys actually do so much better in the long run when not in formal education until about age 7 or 8.

But one thing we noticed this Fall is that Daniel seems very ready to read. Without much prompting from us, he is beginning to blend sounds and figure out some words by sight. One of the wonderful things about homeschooling is that we get to pay attention to what he is ready for at what time, rather than him struggling to keep up or having to stay behind with twenty other children.

So his Hooked On Phonics curriculum arrived in the mail and he couldn't be happier! He actually did a Happy Dance!

Patrick and I are both big readers. We usually have two or three books going at one time and I can't wait to see this whole, new world open up for Daniel! Although, he did ask if Mommy and Daddy would still read to him once he knows how to read. I assured him we would keep reading to him as long as he wanted us to...


  1. Yeah for you. Leap Frog has some great DVD's that help with phonics.

  2. I've heard the same thing about leapfrog too. good for deborah and patrick! I still can't believe daniel is 5!
