
What do you do on a cold day?

You find a spool of packing string and drag several 50 foot long "snakes" around the house.

Later, Mommy untangles the snakes from chair legs and cuts out trapped toys from the web, and possibly frees a child or two.

Then you gather up every blanket and pillow in the house to build a fort!

After you've had your fill of the fort, you jump on the roof to bring it crashing to the ground! Without realizing your two-year-old brother is still playing under there. The screams bring Mommy running from the next room. Ah, life with boys!


  1. sweet little story! I love your boys, they are true boys and I love that encourage the boy in them!

  2. I remember building forts like that!!! ANd I remember that blanket!!! I'm sure that we had some of those crashes, too - Jenn

  3. It is a glorious thing to use string as a toy. I gave our children plastic herb bottles (after I washed them out) They have been playing store all afternoon. You are such a good momma!
