
I love these boys...

Because they pick up bugs
and share them with their little brother.

Because they pester the dog
(which the dog tolerates and for that I love him).

They smile at their mommy.
Because they have bruises from riding the tricycle
straight down the hill and into the fence.
They make the same silly faces.
Over and over and over.
Because no one gets more wildflowers
picked for her than this mommy.
And because they are as sweet and innocent and pure
as sitting on a hilltop on a summer afternoon.

And because they're mine.


  1. Love this last picture. Love your words.

  2. this is a sweet sweet post!

  3. Made me teary eyed!

    I was talking with Aunt Roz the other day and she was saying that Coralee and you have become such beautiful woman from the rotten little girls that you were. And such beautiful, beautiful mommies!

    Love you!
